2501-0777 Kirin (Off Site Foster)'s Web Page

Akita  : :  Female

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I would love you more than you can imagine.
Please adopt me!

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About 2501-0777 Kirin (Off Site Foster)

KIRIN - 5-8 years old, 90 pounds, friendly, good on leash

KIRIN arrived at VBACAC as a stray. Incredibly, someone is missing a 90 pound easy going girl and never came to reclaim her.

Kirin is big. She is beautiful. She has thick black, brown and white fur. You can see her undercoat, so tempting to want to brush her and clear it out. 

She is a nice girl. Quiet. Curious. She trotted around the yard sniffing, trying to figure out where she is and what's going on.

She would approach me here and there, took treats sometimes but not always. She wasn't interested in sitting for the treats either which I didn't mind bc we were still very new to each other.

And that's about all we know about her.  Akitas are big and beautiful dogs. They have distinct personality characteristics. Please do your research before considering adoption bc we want to make sure this girl matches with your home and lifestyle.

We also do not yet know how she feels about other dogs so bring yours in for a meet and greet and be ready for supervision.

Kirin is currently in our large dog adoption kennel so come on in to meet her.

Other Pictures of 2501-0777 Kirin (Off Site Foster) (click to see larger version):

2501-0777 Kirin (Off Site Foster) 2501-0777 Kirin (Off Site Foster) 2501-0777 Kirin (Off Site Foster)