2502-0874 Stitch's Web Page

Unknown breed (short coat)  : :  Male  : :  Adult  : :  Large

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About 2502-0874 Stitch

  • Status: Available for Adoption (adoption info)
  • Species: Dog
  • General Color: Black with White


STITCH - 2 years old, 40 pounds, house trained, lived with dogs & cats

STITCH is a nervous little boy, having arrived after seemingly living back and forth between a couple of homes.

He hesitantly let me leash him after a few treats, clearly his desire to go out surpassed the nervousness he was feeling.

Stitch loves treats and although he sniffed around the big yard, he always came back for treats, even leaning against me sometimes. 

He is a super happy boy who just needs patience on your part to allow him to get used to you and a whole new environment.

He can get very goofy, too!

He’s very smart and eager to please you. Continued training will help teach Stitch he can trust you and help create a bond between you.

Stitch does much better with a canine buddy so if you have a resident dog, bring him or her in for a meet and greet!

Stitch loves to play with any toy he finds.

He has not been around children thus far and seems to avoid them when he sees them.

Stitch is also scared of loud noises and new/loud sounds.

Stitch is used to a crate or limited to a room when left alone. He can be trusted to roam free otherwise.

Stitch has lived with lots of dogs and cats but if the cats run, he will chase. He is a young playful boy, remember!

If you think Stitch might be meant for you and your family, come on in to meet him! He is currently in a back kennel so just ask for him. 

Other Pictures of 2502-0874 Stitch (click to see larger version):

2502-0874 Stitch 2502-0874 Stitch 2502-0874 Stitch 2502-0874 Stitch